ReciMe Help Center
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How can I tell if I’m subscribed?

Not sure if you’re subscribed or when your free trial ends?


IMPORTANT: Your subscription type may differ from the sign-in method you used to create your account. (i.e. You may be logging in with Apple sign-on but paid with Stripe, so your subscription is a Stripe subscription, not a Apple subscription.)


You can check your subscription status by following the instructions below.

How to check your subscription in the ReciMe mobile app:

  • Step 1: Tap on the ‘More’ tab in the bottom right-hand corner of your app
  • Step 2: Tap ‘Settings’
  • Step 3: Tap ‘Help’
  • Step 4: Tap ‘My Subscription’

This page will give you key information on what your current subscription status is (see screenshots as examples below).


How to interpret the ‘My Subscriptions’ Page

  • If you subscribed through Apple, the page will look like this:
Notion image
  • If you subscribed through Stripe, the page will look like this:
Notion image
  • If you are not subscribed to ReciMe Plus, the page will say ‘No active subscriptions

If you believe you have previously subscribed, but ReciMe is not recognizing your subscription, try the troubleshooting steps in this page


What to do if you think you have been charged twice?

If you think you have been charged twice by ReciMe but only see one subscription, here are the most common reasons that this might have occurred and how to proceed.

  1. You accidentally subscribed twice using different subscription methods (e.g. once through the Apple App Store and once online with a credit card).
  • Your mobile app should show both subscriptions in this case. However, you may need to check both the app store and our website if you're still not seeing both subscriptions.
  1. You accidentally created a second account using different login methods.
  • For example: It is possible you created an account with Apple or Google sign-in and then later created an account with your email/password.
  • You should try logging out and logging back in with a different sign-in methods to check which accounts have active subscriptions (by checking the ‘My Subscription’ page)
  1. You share a card or bank account with a family member who has also subscribed.
  • If you are completely sure you don't have another account or accidentally subscribed in both the App Store and our website, be sure to check with your family to see if one of them subscribed to ReciMe recently.

We’re always here to help when you need it. Reach out via email at We're here to assist anytime. 🧡


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