ReciMe Help Center
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I have a trial or subscription but the app is asking me to subscribe

Common troubleshooting options to help you recover your subscription

See below for three common steps to take if the app is not recognizing your subscription

Step 1: Try logging into different accounts

  • One very common reason that you may have lost access to ReciMe Plus is that you are logged into the wrong account
  • To recover your account, try the below suggestions:
    • Log out & try different sign-in methods - most ReciMe accounts are created using Apple, followed by Google
      • If you signed up with Apple, make sure you sign in again with the same Apple ID as the one you used to create your account
      • If you are attempting to sign in with email/password, make sure you select ‘Sign in’ rather than ‘Sign up’ so you are not accidentally creating new accounts
  • Go through your email accounts and search for ‘ReciMe’ to see whether you have received any emails from us. If you find one, log in using that email
  • If you still can’t find the right account, email with first and last names the account might be under. We can try searching our database

If you’re certain you’re logged into the correct account, try the next step


Step 2: Restore Purchase (Apple Subscriptions only)

  • If you initially subscribed to ReciMe Plus using Apple, you can restore your purchase by following the below instructions
  • Note that:
    • this will only work if you are signed into the same Apple ID as the one which was used to purchase your subscription
    • this will only restore your subscription, it will NOT restore your recipes. To recover recipes, refer back to Step 1
  • To restore you purchase:
    • Tap ‘More’ in the bottom right-hand corner of the ReciMe app
    • Tap ‘Settings’
    • Tap ‘Help’
    • Tap ‘My Subscription’
    • Tap ‘Restore Purchase’
  • If that does not work for you, try the next troubleshooting steps

Step 3: Reach out to our support team

If you are still running into any trouble here, please email and provide your username and full name - this will help us in our attempt to identify the right account and subscription

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